Source: CVDaily Feed
In 1943 the Cache Valley Health Council announced that it was the patriotic duty of every individual to see that every child is protected against the diseases for which modern science has provided a protective immunization agent.
Bear River Health Department public relations director Jill Parker says a total of 10,717 immunizations were given during the year 2013. She told the Cache County Council at a recent meeting that when parents choose not to have their children immunized it is usually for health or religious reasons.
“We find that there is a population that are advocates of immunization and choose to get their children immunized,” said Parker. “There is a population that is very against immunizations and that is their right. Then there is quite a large segment in the middle that just don’t understand.
“They’ve heard stories about autism or other things that have been reported to happen with immunizations. When you’re talking about your child, your most important and treasured person in your life, it is a very sensitive topic.”
Parker said the health department tries to provide as much information as possible to help parents make informed decisions.