A plea went out late Monday afternoon from Logan City’s Sewer Division.  A rather pointed message to ‘please stop flushing garbage down the toilet.’  The only paper product that should be flushed is toilet paper.  On KVNU’s For the People on Tuesday, Logan City Public Works director Paul Lindhardt explained why so-called flushable wipes won’t work

“We anticipated there may be an increase of people using products other than toilet paper to take care of their business, if you will.  And then flushing those, that’s the biggest concern.  Packages may be labeled as flushable, biodegradable, compostable, lots of other words that make it sound like they pass through the sewer system just fine”, he said.

But Lindhardt said that they, of course, do not.  Any kind of wipes, rags, paper towels, diapers and more can cause damage that requires costly repairs to laterals at a homeowner’s expense, and costly repairs to sewer mains and sewer pumping stations at the taxpayers expense.

The city urges residents to be good citizens and make sure the only paper your toilet sees is bonafide toilet paper.  Of course, it’s been hard to find, but many stores will provide a small package to shoppers if they ask for it.

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