Source: CVDaily Feed
LOGAN— The vote was unanimous last night when the Logan City Council voted for a proclamation that declares April as the official Child Abuse Prevention month in Cache County and surrounding counties. Executive director of the Child and Family Support Center, Esterlee Molyneaux, told the city council that child abuse respects no racial, religious, class or geographic boundaries.
Molyneaux said during Child Abuse Prevention month, all citizens are urged to support child abuse prevention efforts and education.
“On April 2, our kickoff to Child Abuse Prevention month, we’ll have our annual ‘Stepping up for Children” event on the courthouse steps,” Molyneaux said. “We put one pair of shoes representing each substantiated case of child abuse on the steps, and First Lady Jeanette Herbert will be there during that, and she will give the culminating proclamation for Cache and Rich counties.”
Molyneaux thanked the council and Logan Mayor Randy Watts for everything the city has done to help protect children currently, as well as in the future.