LOGAN – Cache Valley residents are being invited to attend a transportation safety summit at the Logan Library on Thursday, May 16.
That gathering is being called by safety stakeholders, including representatives of the Cache Metropolitan Planning Organization, the Utah Department of Transportation, emergency responders, Crash Data and Safety experts as well as local interest groups.
CMPO’s 2024 Safety Summit will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in the Community Room of the Logan Library on May 16.
The goal of that meeting, according to CMPO executive director Jeff Gilbert, will be to examine traffic and safety statistics here in Cache County and develop a comprehensive safety action plans.
“We’ll share the most recent data,” Gilbert explained. “We’ll also ask residents to share their experiences and insights, then work together to develop priorities and actions to make a difference.
Gilbert said that recent accident data from Cache County compiled by UDOT indicates that 44 percent of vehicle accidents occur on non-state roads; that 28 percent of all fatal or serious injury crashes involve a teenage driver; that 16.4 of all severe crashes happen to vulnerable users; and that 49 percent of fatalities happened in local intersections.
Residents planning to attend the CMPO Safety Summit can RSVP by going online to https://tinyurl.com/CacheSafetySummitRSVP
For additional information about the CMPO’s Safety Action Plan process (or its SS4A program), residents are advised to contact jeff.gilbert@cachecounty.gov or to go online to https://cachempo.org/cmpo-safe-streets-for-all-action-plan
The new Logan Library is located at 285 North Main Street in downtown Logan.