LOGAN — The Northern Utah Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) is holding their annual banquet this Saturday evening at the Cache County Events Center.
On KVNU’s For the People program on Tuesday, Ron Camp, state of Utah Regional Director and Keri Smith, chairman and volunteer for the Northern Utah Chapter were our guests.
Camp said it has been a tough last couple of winters for area elk.
“We have good, the bad and the ugly…spring in Utah. But what happens is that it’s kind of natures way of kind of culling the herd a little bit as well, when we have our super tough winter. The hard part for us is we’re not used to seeing a whole bunch of carcasses on the side of the hill and wondering what are we doing about that, what can we do about it or can we help it? At the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation we actually put $50,000 towards feeding the deer up in Garden City,” Camp explained.
The event this Saturday is open to the public, there will be food, raffles, prizes and much more. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and a Dutch Oven Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. Smith said this is a landmark year for the organization.
“This is the 40th year of RMEF and we’re going to highlight that with some of our prizes and things will have that logo on it this year, the 40th year. That’s one of the reasons I got involved with this, I was starting a wildlife degree up at Utah State and kind of ran into a life choices…I’m an eternal junior (laughs) you might say, and I get to live that through this volunteer opportunity,” said Smith.
Smith said one of the reasons he got involved with the organization was he saw that RMEF put its ‘money where its mouth is’, when it comes to their projects.
For tickets to the Saturday event, you can call Keri at (435) 232-5294.
You can find out more about the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation at