LOGAN — The Memorial Day weekend marks the informal beginning of the camping season for many people excited to get into the mountains. However, a wet and cool spring has left some campgrounds, picnic areas, roads and trails still snow covered or muddy.

Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest spokeswoman Kathy Jo Pollock said safety is a major concern this season. She advises people staying away from rivers, streams and creeks which are extremely cold and swift, and are extremely dangerous. Also, keep a watchful eye on children and pets while recreating.

As ice and snow continues to melt, officials advice people to be aware of rocks that can become dislodged and roll.

Most local campsites are opening for the extended holiday weekend. The only exceptions include those at higher elevations including the Lewis M. Turner Campground, Sunrise Campground and Tony Grove Campground.

Pollock said, for the safety of visitors and wildlife, they encourage campers to keep a clean campsite by packing out all trash. Also, extinguish campfires before leaving a site and respect the 14-day stay limit in undeveloped areas.

The Forest Service also recommends for those hiking, always carry extra water, food and a coat. Always let someone know where you are going, approximately what time you will return, and avoid hiking alone. Also, be prepared for a change in weather conditions.

Pollock recommends people be prepared with an alternate plan if the campground, picnic area, or trailhead is full. Most importantly, enjoy the national forests.

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