LOGAN – Intermountain Logan Regional Hospital will unveil its latest addition to the hospital campus with a community tour and ribbon-cutting on Thursday, August 8 that includes free hospital tours, a resource fair and food trucks.
“I think this is a milestone moment for healthcare in Cache Valley to have a state-of-the-art patient tower like this with all of the most modern capabilities for providing inpatient services,” says Intermountain Logan Regional Hospital president and CEO Brandon McBride.
While construction began in 2022, plans for this building have been in the works for 15 years.
“It’s really exciting for our community,” McBride told Cache Valley Daily during a media tour.
Construction has been ongoing since 2022 for the four-story patient tower that boasts a state-of-the-art medical facility spanning 110,000-square-feet to accommodate the growing northern Utah community. The hospital campus includes new medical, surgical and pediatric nursing units, a transitional care unit, a 10-bed behavioral health unit, intensive care unit, imaging services, a cardiology unit, an education center, and a new kitchen and cafe.
LOGAN – Work is underway on a project at Logan Regional Hospital, continuing until early 2025, that will include construction of a 110,000-square-foot, four-story tower on the northeast corner of the campus and the demolition of two existing towers to create a new front entrance to the hospital. Emillio Rodriguez is the hospital’s communication director. […]
The new Behavioral Health Unit will allow 40 percent more patients than in the past. It will expand from a seven to a 10-bed unit, which Mary Burbank, RN, Intermountain Logan Regional Hospital Behavioral Health Manager says will allow more patients and their families to stay in the valley for treatment, which is so much better for immediate care.
Burbank said the addition of an “outdoor space is huge.” The old unit did not allow for patients to safely be outdoors.
“When you’ve taken care of somebody in a lockdown unit for two to three weeks … not to have the ability to take them outside safely, is just hard,” Burbank said. “It’s hard on them. It helps their morale and I think it will be great for our staff, too.”
Public tours of the new patient tower will be on Thursday, Aug. 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. It will include hospital tours, a teddy bear clinic, a resource fair, family-friendly activities, giveaways, and food trucks. Patients will be moved into the new tower on Sept. 11.
The teddy bear clinic allows children to be introduced to a hospital in a gentler approach and allow them walk through the tour with an adult and receive a free teddy bear.
The events will take place on the campus of Intermountain Logan Regional Hospital, which is east of the Cache Valley Women’s Center and south of the Dialysis Center.
Additional public parking will be available south of the hospital in the church parking lot located at 600 East.
The final part of the 110,000 square-foot construction project will be to build a new main entrance – which will take nine months. In the next few months the north and south towers of Intermountain Logan Regional Hospital will be demolished, which McBride said will make way for 90 additional parking spots for patients and a more prominent main entrance. The construction will begin in October and conclude by June 2025.