Source: CVDaily Feed
Backers of the “Count My Vote” citizen’s initiative raised more than $800,000 last year which is more than any other political cause or candidate. Utah State Senator Lyle Hillyard, R-Logan, says he expects it will be an issue that will come up in the legislative session which opens on January 27.
Hillyard says it would open up the caaucus system but he feels it would also change the whole way Utah elections are run.
“I like the fact that when I run for reelection I know there will be 100-120 state delegates,” Hillyard explains. “I need to go out and personally talk to each one of them so they feel comfortable in supporting me.
“If you change that, then suddenly I’ll buy all the advertising I can get, the radio, the newspaper, the fliers…so people will be voting on name-recognition and who sent me the most fliers rather than the chance to sit down personally with Lyle Hillyard to say ‘what’s your position on this? I don’t like that, I do like that.’”
Another concern Hillyard says he has is that if you bypass the political party you have no control of the caucus.