Voters approved a bond to put an addition on to the Franklin County Courthouse.
The courthouse is located at 39 West Oneida in Preston.
PRESTON – Franklin County held a special bond election to build a courthouse addition Tuesday and almost 70 percent of the residents voted in favor of issuing general obligation bonds in an amount of $2,900,000.
Franklin Count Clerk Camille Larsen said 68.66% of residents voted for the construction and they needed 66.7%.
“We still will have to meet with our bond attorney, put it out to the banks to borrow the money,” Larsen said. “Most of the new addition will be attached to the south end of the current courthouse.”
This year the county is celebrating 80 years in the courthouse.
“We as employees are thrilled to have the addition,” Larsen added. “Right now we are working on top of each other. This addition will help us go another 80 years.”
Randy Henry is the county’s building inspector and the one overseeing the project for the county. He said they are adding 11,400 square feet to the existing 13,500 square foot courthouse.
“We are going to match the existing exterior, so it looks like the same building,” he said. “Our first concern is giving the sheriff’s department an access to the building while we start construction.”
The third story of the addition will house a new courtroom.
“We hope to start the demolition next month in June,” Henry said. “Residents will see a tax of increase of $14.50 for every $100,000.00 of taxable property value each year.”
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