Source: CVDaily Feed

LOGAN — A 23-year-old former Utah State University football player has pleaded guilty to drug possession charges, agreeing to seek treatment and pay several fines.

Tavaris McMillian filed a plea in abeyance Tuesday morning in 1st District Court.  He pleaded guilty to possession or use of a controlled substance and possession or use of drug paraphernalia, both class A misdemeanors.

Under agreements of the plea, the charges against McMillian will be held in suspension for one-year while he seeks substance abuse counseling. He was also ordered to pay $750 in fines.

McMillian was arrested after a traffic stop November 2014, in North Logan.

According to Cache County Sheriff’s Lt. Mike Peterson, McMillian was the passenger in a car driven by 23-year-old Travis Reynolds, another former USU football player. Deputies reported Reynolds showed signs he was driving under the influence of drugs. Inside the car, they found marijuana and other drug paraphernalia.

Judge Brian Cannell ordered McMillian to appear again in court in a year to determine if has completed the conditions of his plea.

Reynolds has already pleaded guilty in April to driving under the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia, both class B misdemeanors. He is scheduled to be sentenced June 2.

Both men are former players for Utah State. McMillian played three seasons, recording 11 tackles in 2013 as a line-backer before being injured. Reynolds played four seasons as a wide-receiver. In 2013 he had 51 receptions for 832 yards and four touchdowns before also being injured.