LOGAN — Fire fighters were called to a cabin fire early Thursday morning near Porcupine Reservoir. The blaze was reported around 4:20 a.m. in the Scare Canyon area.

Cache County Sheriff’s Lt. Mikelshan Bartschi said the complainant also reported receiving injuries while attempting to extinguish the fire. Due to communication issues with the complainant, the response was delayed in locating him and the cabin.

According to emergency radio traffic, fire fighters arrived on the scene around 5:50 a.m. The first crews reported the cabin fully engulfed in flames and set up a defensive strategy to keep the fire from spreading.

Bartschi said the cabin was determined to be a complete loss but no other structures or wilderness area was impacted. The complainant was transported to Logan Regional Hospital for medical care associated with his injuries.

The Cache County Sheriff’s Office and Cache County Fire Department are conducting an investigation into the cause of the fire.

Bartschi reminded those camping in secluded areas to be aware of your location in order to help first responders get to you in a timely manner, if needed. He noted, it is not uncommon in high stress events for individuals to struggle with communication that can aid in a quicker emergency response. Also, remember, your personal safety is much more important than any property.


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