Source: CVDaily Feed
Cache County Executive Lynn Lemon says the year 2013 ends with the start of a program that has occupied much of the time for the county’s elected officials this year: the emissions testing program. A lot of time was spent fighting the implementation of the program but eventually it was approved after several changes were made. Now Lemon says the program begins tomorrow, January 1st.
“The only thing that concerns me is that I think people think this might solve the air quality problem. That’s one of the reasons we didn’t want to do it is because we knew it was going to have a marginal effect,” said Lemon. “It’s not going to resolve the problem, so that is going to be the biggest challenge. Sometimes people think, ‘Well, you implemented that program, so we solved the problem,’ and that is absolutely not the case.”
Lemon says he personally would have preferred starting such programs as reducing vehicle miles traveled as a way to improve air quality.