Source: CVDaily Feed
The following is a collection of news stories, interviews and links to audio recordings regarding municipal elections throughout Cache County.
Calderwood criticizes Liechty on how Providence taxes have been handled
Ron Liechty and Don Calderwood on KVNU’s Crosstalk program Oct. 30
Miller: people come from all over the world to see Hyrum’s wastewater plant
Stephanie Miller on KVNU’s Crosstalk program Oct. 22
Flexibility sets Cook apart in Nibley
Shawn Dustin and Carrie Cook on KVNU’s Crosstalk program Oct. 24
Darrell Simmons and Cark White on KVNU’s Crosstalk program Oct. 28
North Logan
Lloyd Berentzen and Chris Nelson on KVNU’s Crosstalk program Oct. 29
Hyde Park
Hyde Park to vote on alcohol ban