The new Center Block Plaza at 55 N Main in downtown Logan.
LOGAN — Since the Center Block Plaza project was approved in spring of 2021, Logan’s redevelopment agency has invested about $5.9 million in the plaza project.
“We finally have the ribbon-cutting for the Center Block Plaza, we have waited a long time for that, worked so hard to plan it, design it, build it, and have it be a really quality space for our citizens for a long time to come. It’s a gathering place, it will bring people downtown all year-round. We have the skating rink for winter to bring people in, even the cold winter months, there’s a fire pit there. So, when you come down to ice skate or in the fall or spring, we’ll have that on. There’s a stage for performances,” Daines explained.
The plaza has been named the Carol and Jim Laub Plaza after a generous gift from donors Jim and Carol Laub.
“And with this plaza, it opens up that block, if you think about the adjacent block with the court house, the courthouse creates some open space, there’s a way to get through the block there. The(Ellen)Eccles theatre block is a smaller block because the canal cuts through, and so that shortens that block. The Tabernacle, it’s a full block but again, there’s so much open green space. Church and Federal is divided into many blocks.”
The ribbon-cutting is open to the public but it’s a quick event from 11 to 1130a.m.
“We have members of the American Festival Chorus singing several numbers as part of the ribbon-cutting, brief remarks. And remember, that we’re still working on the parking lot on the west side, there will be an entrance from the west side, it’s going to be some plywood and fences to get you into the plaza, you can enter from the Main street side.”
Daines said you can then wander over to the Gardener’s Market which will be going on until 1p.m. and the Center Street Giant Pumpkin Festival that will be held on Saturday as well from 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM. on west Center Street in downtown Logan.