Source: CVDaily Feed
After five years of working for the Adult Day Center which she feels is needed desperately in Cache Valley, Mary Bennett has given up. Bennett says members of the board of the Cache Valley Adult Day Center voted to, “permanently disband all further efforts to restart CVADC and to dissolve the Corporation.”
Before there was a board, Bennett saw the need to fill the void created when Sunshine Terrace closed its adult day center for the same reason: not enough money. Bennett and others were successful in forming a non-profit corporation, money was raised, there was help from the Larry H. Miller Family Trust and a center finally opened.
But the center closed January 16 due to lack of money. Bennett says she is heartbroken because an adult day center is better than a nursing home in your later years.
“Of course they help when there is 24 hour need and there’s not the support from family members, and not the education and skill level that can provide that kind of assistance,” Bennet explains. “But for the majority of the people I am convinced they would do better in a home setting with support of agencies like hospice, home help and adult day services.”
Bennett says the board will be returning the money raised back to the generous donors and she only wishes more people would have given more because the need is so great and it’s the least expensive way to care for people without exhausting loved ones.