Source: CVDaily Feed
For the past two years, money from the Weston City 5k went toward building a new city park. This Saturday, July 20, money raised will go toward purchasing a special needs swing set for Clayton Egley. Clayton is a four-year-old boy with a rare genetic disorder called Mowat-Wilson Disorder. Due to this disorder, Clayton is not able to use the regular swing set at the park in Weston, Idaho.
“We decided to make the race a fundraiser this year so that our new playground can have a special needs swing that he, as well as some others in our community, would benefit from,” said race organizer Jennifer Roberts.
The fundraiser one mile and 5k run/walk is called Clayton’s Run and will be the first of many events to follow at the annual Weston Celebration. Clayton’s Run will take place on July 20 and starting time is 8 a.m. at the corner of Center St. and 1st N. in Weston. Racers can register beforehand at Woodward’s Country Store in Weston, or by calling Jennifer Roberts at (208)406-3347, or online registration is also available. Registration will also take place that morning before the race from 7:15 to 7:45. Race cost is $10 and includes a t-shirt. The t-shirts this year are yellow, Clayton’s favorite color. Roberts announced that Clayton will also participate in the race, being pushed by his uncle.
“The swing itself is approximately $600,” Roberts said. She hopes that from Clayton’s Run, they will make a total of $700 to $1,000. To find out more about the race, you can visit the Clayton’s Run Facebook page.
Other events for the Weston Celebration include a parade at 9:30, followed by games and food at the park, animal chases, an airplane candy drop, an Old Western shootout, concert at the park, and fireworks to end the night.