NORTH LOGAN – Cache Valley Hospital has introduced a new telephone medical consultation service — Consult-A-Nurse — and it is free.

Eric Haskell, one of the nursing directors at the hospital, explains.

”We’re 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People can call and talk to a specially trained, registered nurse,” he says. “Experienced nurses that have been trained to do phone triage, to give clinical guidance, help people understand their symptoms and provide education about possibly whether or not they need to seek treatment and just hopefully be able to help them feel safe and give them some guidance.”

Specialty-trained registered nurses are available 24/7/365 to give clinical guidance, help people understand symptoms and provide education about treatment options over the phone.

Haskell says surveys show many of those who call may be hesitant to seek care in person but it gives them a starting point and up to a quarter of callers do need additional help.

“We’ve found that about 20-to-25 percent of the calls we receive actually do need emergency care. It’s definitely something we’ve been able to kind of move people in the right direction to make sure they get the care they need.”

Haskell says Consult-A-Nurse providers do not diagnose conditions over the phone but they do follow triage protocols to advise callers and provide information on a range of health topics.

The service is available at (435) 915-9964 and a children’s specific line has been established at (435) 900-STAR.

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