CACHE COUNTY – William C. Duncan will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Lincoln Day Dinner here in Cache Valley on Friday, Feb. 7.

That event, sponsored by the Cache County Republicans, will be held at the Cache County Event Center at 7 p.m.

Duncan’s remarks will explore the topic of “The Utah Way: What’s Next Following Utah Supreme Court Rulings on Referendums and Abortion; Lyman vs. Cox; Public Lands Lawsuits; and What These Changes Mean for Family Rights and Protections.”

The Lincoln Day Dinner is intended to honor Abraham Lincoln, one of the founders of the Republican Party and its first elected president in 1860. Held in February, the event is traditionally a fundraiser for GOP affiliated organizations at the county level.

Individual tickets and table sponsorships can be purchased by going online to

Duncan serves as a fellow for Constitutional Law and Religious Freedom at the Sutherland Institute.

He previously worked with the Law and Religion Program at the Columbus School of Law at Catholic University. Duncan has also taught college courses on the intersection of religion and law.

Founded in 1995 by Utah businessman and philanthropist Gaylord K. Swim, the Sutherland Institute is a conservative public-policy think-tank based in Salt Lake City.

The institute is informed by the jointly held opinion that families, private initiatives, voluntary associations, churches and businesses are better at solving problems than government entities.

The Cache County Event Center is located at 490 South, 500 West in Logan.

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