CACHE COUNTY – Officials here are encouraging local property owners and organizations to participate in preserving what makes Cache County great – wide open spaces.

“Cache Valley is a beautiful place,” according to County Executive David Zook, “and we have an obligation to preserve the spaces that make it beautiful, so they can be enjoyed by future generations.”

Zook’s comments came on June 14 as he encouraged local property owners to consider applying for grants from the Cache Open Space Advisory Committee (COSAC). Those grants may be awarded to project that protect scenic vistas, preserve open lands near valley gateways, add trails and trail connectivity, as well as maintaining agriculture, waterways and wildlife habitat.

That call for new applications came after members of the Cache County Council granted preliminary approval of a request to turn about 20 acres of land in Wellsville into a conservation easement at the regular meeting on June 11.

That property, which is adjacent to U.S. Highway 89/91, is owned and farmed by Clair Cooper.

Steven Nelson, the director of the County’s Development Services office, delivered a presentation summarizing the benefits of Cooper’s proposal to members of the county council.

Nelson explained that the volunteer members of the COSAC board had already reviewed Coopers’ proposal, rating it high in terms of protecting scenic vistas, preserving open lands near valley gateways and maintaining agriculture.

The proposed property did not score highly in terms of maintaining wildlife habitat or allowing public access, but that didn’t stop the members of the County Council from unanimously voting to give it preliminary approval.

Nelson emphasized that Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) estimates that about 20,000 motorists pass Cooper’s property on US 89/91 on an average day.

Cooper has another 160 acres of land in Mount Sterling that is also being considered separately for a grant by the COSAC board, according to Nelson.

Cache County voters approved a $20 Million Open Space Bond in the general election of November 2022.

That ballot proposal was the brainchild of former North Logan Mayor Jack Draxler, entrepreneur Eric Eliason and Utah State University professor Steve Daniels, along with the members of an ad hoc committee who shared their vision of the need to provide a legacy of open spaces in Cache County for future generations.

Open space preservation funds can be used to purchase conservation easements, trail easements, or property ownership for open space preservation or trail additions. Interested parties are encouraged to apply by submitting an application to the Cache County Development Services office.

The process is competitive and the Cache Open Space Advisory Committee will review and score each application, with the Cache County Council deciding final awards and amounts.

The application process is open-ended with no specific deadline, and each application will be reviewed in the order of submission, ensuring a fair and transparent process.

Participation in the program is voluntary and all properties proposed by willing landowners will be considered.

“I hope that landowners will consider this opportunity regarding what they want to happen to their land in the future,” Zook added.

Complete applications and details about the COSAC grants may be found by going online to

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