LOGAN – Democrats in Cache Valley will gather Saturday to select new leadership.

Having cancelled their 2020 county convention due to the coronavirus outbreak, the Cache Democrats will meet virtually at 2 p.m. to refocus their efforts on the 2022 midterm election campaigns.

The online event will be a swan song for outgoing Democratic Party Chairman Danny Beus, who is stepping down from his post to make room for fresh party leadership.

“While we didn’t win any races,” Beus acknowledged in a farewell message to county delegates, “we came close and we gave every Democrat in the county a candidate to vote for.”

“Of that,” he added, “I’m proud.”

In addition to precinct delegates, the Cache Democrats will select a new chair and vice chair for their local party.

Beus is endorsing the candidacy of two women he describes as “powerhouses” who will play critical roles in getting Democrats elected in 2022 and beyond.

Meridan Wappett is in the running for chair of the Cache Democrats.

She is senior at Utah State University majoring in ecology and pre-law and a veteran of Darren Parry’s 2020 congressional campaign.

Wappett is vice president of the USU Democrats, a member of the USU Government Relations Council and a member of the USU Senate.

She is a committed advocate for climate change reform and has lobbied for the Sierra Club and the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance.

Wappett is hoping to bring more young, progressive voices into the local Democratic Party.

A resident of Hyde Park, Shannon Rhodes, in running for the party’s vice chair position.

As a licensed clinical social worker, Rhodes founded the first pediatric grief support group in Cache Valley and works for Intermountain Homecare and Hospice.

She serves on the board of the Friends of the Children’s Justice Center and is involved with several community non-profit groups.

Rhodes’ previous political experience includes running as candidates for both the Cache County Council and the Hyde Park City Council.

Jon Ahlstrom will continue in his current role as treasurer of the Cache Democrats, according to Beus.

Local Democrats will be able to access the online convention starting at 2 p.m. Saturday via the following link:


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