LOGAN — A candidate for Cache County Attorney appeared on KVNU’s For the People program on Tuesday. Cameron Cox might be unique among many candidates for an elective office as he doesn’t utilize social media.
“People tell me that may hurt my campaign because I’m not able to get my voice out to as many people as I should. I respond to that, I think social media is one of the things that’s hurt our society and hurt our culture, as well as our current administration in the White House.
“And so, I don’t vote for Joe Biden, and I don’t go on Facebook even if it means my campaign has to be on there. I’ve decided not to do that and that’s a personal decision of mine and one that I stuck with even for the campaign,” explained Cox.
He said it even extends to his family as his children will have to decide for themselves about social media only when they are out of the house and on their own.
Last month Cox’s name was brought up amid various complaints at an open meeting of the Cache County Council by Terryl Warner, the county’s director of the Office of Victim Advocacy.
She claimed that Cox had sent a couple of what she described as threatening text messages to her.
Cox responded to the accusation, saying the texts were not threatening.
“That wasn’t a threat at all,” Cox claimed, “in her presentation two weeks ago, if you want to call it that. She also left out her text that was in between saying that she was in fact helping my opponent in his campaign.
“That was brought about because I did an open records request, because it’s my understanding that she was campaigning and he was campaigning with county resources, and that open records request did discover that in what was actually provided to me.
“And so, that’s what prefaced that text message was ‘I know you’re campaigning for him’, and, I didn’t say it, but she’s doing it with county resources. ‘And I know you’re saying things about me that are untrue,’ which she is.”
He said he told Warner that he hopes she has some self-reflection no matter who wins the election. Because, he feels, the person she is trying to get elected in there has less experience than most attorneys in Logan.
“You’re going to have some self-reflection, if you get me in there, I’m going to make sure every dollar and penny and cent that you spend is going to have proper oversight. Because I have witnessed now in just the last two months of being involved in this race, a lot of budget issues, fiscal oversight issues both with her office and other offices within the county.”
Cox’s opponent is the interim county attorney Taylor Sorensen, who was featured last week on KVNU’s For the People program.
You can find out more about Cox’s campaign at cameroncox.us.