Interim Parish Administrator Father Joseph Minuth Welcomes the Cache Community Connections to St. Thomas Aquinas for the Interfaith Thanksgiving program. Father Joseph is serving as parochial vicar of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Logan and chaplain of St. Jerome Newman Center at Utah State University.

HYDE PARK – The 19th Annual Cache Community Connections (CCC) Interfaith Thanksgiving program, Together in Thanksgiving, will be held this year at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church located at 725 S. 250 E. in Hyde Park. The service will begin at 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21.

Cache Community Connections will hold their annual Thanksgiving program at St. Thomas Aquinas in Hyde Park this Sunday, Nov. 21 2021 at 7 p.m.

In the past, the service was held at the Logan Tabernacle but because it is unavailable the group opted for St. Thomas’ as the venue because it is large enough to accommodate the expected crowd, even with reasonable physical distancing said Richard West a member of the CCC.

“Since the Logan Tabernacle is closed for an extended period for renovation, we were scrambling to find suitable venues for all our events,” he said. “We do have several faith communities represented, some choirs and other musical numbers, including the Westminster Bell Choir.”

Logan Mayor Holly Daines and Cache County Executive David Zook have been invited.

“The Interfaith Thanksgiving Service typically draws 200-300 people, but we are unsure about attendance in a pandemic,” West said. “It will be a good and inspirational program.”

The group invites individuals, congregations or other interested parties to join and share the blessings of happiness and community by participating in this years’ service.

Participants are invited to offer brief remarks of praise and thanksgiving, a prayer, a musical number (vocal, instrumental, choir), a recitation, a homily or a sermon during the service.

Each contribution should be three to five minutes and should be a message of inspiration, faith, and thanksgiving.

Masks are recommended but not required and space can be reserved for those desiring social distancing.

CCC was organized after attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. A group of interfaith religious and civic leaders felt like spiritual leadership and unity were vital to the community’s well-being.

Several church representatives in the community and then-Mayor of Logan, Doug Thompson, joined with other community leaders to end misconceptions of different faiths, due to misinformation.

The organizers wanted to correct barriers due to religious bigotry or indifference and offer opportunities for all of their messages and services to be offered to broad numbers of community citizens. Since the beginning, CCC has held events to provide opportunities to work shoulder-to-shoulder in meeting needs within the communities of Cache Valley.

Please notify any of the following if you intend to participate in the Together in Thanksgiving program, by giving the names of those who will represent your group or congregation and the detail. Please include titles and the nature of the presentation.

Richard West:

Carole Holland:

Derek Forbes:

Teresa Harris:

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