Source: CVDaily Feed
An exhibit developed by Special Collections and Archives on the Utah State University campus follows the lives of the broadcasting Bullen family of Cache Valley as it correlates with the history of media growth in this country.
The exhibit, with undergraduate Elisabeth Cropper as curator, can be seen in the atrium of USU’s Merrill-Cazier Library.
“The Broadcasting Bullens: One Family’s Contribution to Cache Valley Newspaper, Radio and Television” will be on display through Oct. 15.
“I am the assistant to the manuscript curator” said Cropper, “and they had me look through the Bullen papers. It included a lot of Reid Bullen’s materials, including a lot of his political papers and a ton of his broadcasts on KVNU.
“There were papers from Reid’s father, Herschel Bullen, who helped start the Logan Republican newspaper, in the 1800s. Reid’s son Jonathan’s role in the development of the cable company was evident from the other materials.”
It took Cropper nine months to examine the collection.
The exhibit includes a timeline beginning in 1861 when the Bullens arrived in Cache Valley, living in Richmond.
“It covers a period of time up until 1996 when the Bullens sold KVNU radio,” said Cropper. “They were politically active from the start. They were Republicans in a time in Cache Valley when most of those in the valley were Democrats.”
Materials for the exhibit include items from manuscript and photo collections donated by the Bullen family.