Source: CVDaily Feed

LOGAN — The Logan City Transit Center was evacuated Monday morning after a laptop was found containing a possible bomb threat.

Cache County Sheriff’s Lt. Mike Peterson said the computer was originally found at a bus stop in Hyrum by a bus driver running his regular route.

“So the bus driver brought the laptop into the transit center,” said Peterson. “It sat in there for a couple hours. No phone calls were made so an employee made the decision to try find some information on it to locate the owner.

“As they lifted the laptop lid, they came across a piece of paper, laying on the keyboard that said, ‘boom boom boom’ on it.”

Transit center employees contacted sheriff’s deputies who are contracted with the center to provide security.

Peterson said bomb squad technicians were brought in after deputies confirmed the suspicious package and evacuated the center.

“They took a look at the item from a distance and figured that if it was explosive it would only damage the interior of the building,” said Peterson. “We created a small perimeter, keeping foot and vehicle traffic out of the way.”

A bomb squad robot entered the center and removed the laptop. Technicians then remotely destroyed it safely.

Peterson said technicians decided to destroy the laptop and err on the side of caution.

“It’s already been handled, it’s already taken a bus ride,” said Peterson. “It’s been sitting there for a couple hours at least but we are going to err on the side of caution and make it truly isn’t something that could hurt somebody.”

Peterson said no one has called to claim the laptop and buses were able to drop off and pickup riders northeast of the center.