LOGAN – “Arts Are Core” is an arts integration conference in July at Utah State University and it is also the name of an endowed program in Elementary Arts Education at USU.

Aurora Villa is the program director.

“The name really refers to the Arts Are Corps, as in the corps of what we can teach in the schools,” Villa explains. “They’re considered a core subject along with science, math, social studies and language arts.”

Villa explains who the conference is designed to help.

“We really market it toward K through 6 classroom teachers, in addition to arts educators, such as music teachers, visual arts teachers, dance and drama teachers,” she says.

She says college students training to be teachers are welcome along with community members. Cost is $25 which includes breakfast and lunch.

The conference is Wednesday, July 26, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Edith Bowen Lab School on the USU campus. Keynote speaker will be renowned storyteller Donna Washington of Durham, North Carolina.

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