Back on August 1st, Logan city issued an executive order  that any individual within the city who is age five and over and “able to medically or psychologically tolerate a face covering shall be required to wear a face covering that completely covers the nose and mouth in public areas where consistent social distancing of at least six feet is not possible, reasonable or prudent”.

A couple weeks ago on KVNU’s For the People program, during an interview with Cache G.O.P. chairman Chris Booth, the issue of mandatory mask wearing came up.  On Monday’s program, Booth returned with Cache County council member Paul Borup.  While acknowledging that mask wearing can reduce the spread of the virus, he said it is really up to businesses to provide a safe environment for their patrons.

“You give the business the tools to do that. Even with the mandate, and I’ve personally watched it, I own a business, I talk to business owners. Even with this mandate, now you have people coming in and saying ‘hey business how are you going to enforce this mandate.  It’s a mandate, why aren’t you harassing that client’.  That puts the business in a tough situation with the mandate where, again, the business could say ‘hey we highly encourage wearing a mask or masks are required’ “, said Borup.

He said when it’s left up to businesses and it’s down in writing, if you’re a good citizen, you realize it is private property and you should respect that establishments decision to put the mask requirement in place for their business.  But Borup said as soon as the government starts to enforce that on people it’s problematic.

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