Source: CVDaily Feed
Sixty-two percent of local, Cache Valley businesses are global businesses according to Sandy Emile, president and CEO for the Cache Chamber of Commerce. On KVNU’s For the People program Tuesday, Emile said that means 62 percent of the businesses either distribute or have customers in other parts of the globe.
Emile said there are reasons for that and among them are that we have more educated people than some parts of the state, they are technology savvy and they are also young.
“I think our average population is between the ages of 32 and 40, which is a pretty young community,” Emile explained. “So our people are used to going online, they’re used to going on the Internet.
“Therefore they are very comfortable with ‘oh, I want to grow a business. I’m very well-suited to grow a business. I’m educated enough to grow a business and oh look, I figured out how to grow a business anywhere in the world.”
She said it also helps that the World Trade Center Utah is located in Salt Lake City where all the tools needed to grow a business are available. Emile said the Cache Chamber of Commerce is a member of the World Trade Center.