Source: CVDaily Feed
“Pride in the Past, Faith in the Future.” That is the theme for the 2013 Logan, Utah Family History Conference to be held Saturday, September 21 from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Bridgerland Applied Technology College in Logan. The conference is hosted by the Logan Family Search Library and around 500 people are expected to attend.
Martin Peterson, director of the LFSL, says the conference is free but there is a cost of $5 for those wanting a lunch.
Peterson says the featured speaker will be David Barney from Google, Inc. from Los Angeles. Barney will speak on the topic “Google in the Past; and Google in the Future.”
“We learn about histories,” Peterson says of the family history conference. “We learn about the software that is available and how to use it. There are youth classes.
“There are special classes all day long for Spanish as a primary language, on how to do your family history. It’s an all-encompassing opportunity for us…We’ll have 42 different classes.”
On KVNU’s Crosstalk program Thursday, Peterson said youth and young-married generation will be interested in such topics as “Searching in FamilySearch” and “Cloud Storage and File Sharing.” This class is taught by Aliandra Hansen, a young single adult studying Music Therapy at Utah State University.
For more information about the conference check the website and click on “conference.”