LOGAN – Students in the Utah State University’s Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Department (LAEP) are spearheading a Main Street Matters workshop beginning on Saturday, Feb. 8 from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

The workshop will be held in Utah State’s Fine Arts Visual Building located on the east side of campus in FAV210.

“This is a student-led event and is not affiliated with (Utah Department of Transportation),” said Cameron Hill, who is co-leading the event with another student, Galen Kohlbrecher. “We received funding and want to get as much involvement from the public as we can.”

They have reached out to some Logan businesses and other businesses will come and get involved in what the students are trying to do.

“The Saturday, Feb. 8 meeting will include a panel discussion,” he said. “We have invited Gary Saxton, director of the Downtown Alliance, a professor from the LAEP, an engineering professor and a professional from Horrocks Planning to be part of the panel.”

Students and professionals will collaborate through workshop sessions, to develop ideas and solutions with the aim of improving Logan Main Street and its subsidiaries.

The program will continue on Thursday, Feb. 13 from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. with a dinner and a networking session. They will also have a workshop on Poster Design and Graphic Basics.

On Thursday, Feb. 27 they will also have a dinner and networking and a look at the final posters.

On Saturday, March 1 from 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. will be the final meeting which will include a community feedback session.

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