A file photo of a professor at the University of Utah says his research shows that spending time outdoors in nature and unplugged from technology can improve a person’s creative thinking.

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah State University’s Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, the Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation (DOR), and the Utah Outdoor Adventure Commission just released the state’s first Outdoor Recreation Strategic Plan.

Utah is spending millions of dollars promoting the state’s “Mighty 5” national parks in the Western U.S. Photo courtesy U.S National Park Service.

The primary mission of the plan goes beyond just the economic benefits of outdoor recreation, said Jason Curry, director of the Utah Division of Outdoor Recreation.

“It’s about cultivating Utah’s outdoor culture that resonates with every Utahn and visitor, and we are setting a precedent with a commitment to the people and places of Utah,” Curry said. “This strategic plan is our promise for a vibrant, diverse outdoor legacy that will thrive for generations, aligning our community’s well-being and economic vitality with our treasured natural landscapes.”

The purpose of the plan is to balance economic growth with the preservation of Utah’s natural landscapes and the enhancement of outdoor experiences for both residents and visitors. While it could guide legislative decisions on resource allocation, its primary focus is on strategic development, access, conservation, and collaboration in outdoor recreation, rather than solely on funding.

The organized effort was developed in collaboration with recreation stakeholders from across the state, this landmark plan aims to guide the future for accessible, high-quality outdoor experiences while balancing economic growth with preserving Utah’s natural landscapes.

A new report shows Utah reaped a ten-to-one gain by paying to reopen the state’s five national parks during the federal government shutdown last October. Photo courtesy of the Utah Office of Tourism.

This historic plan marks a pivotal moment for Utah’s outdoor legacy, ensuring our stunning landscapes and outdoor opportunities continue to enrich lives while driving sustainable economic progress,” said Rep. Jeff Stenquist. “It’s a forward-thinking blueprint that secures not just the natural beauty of our state for present enjoyment but also guarantees its vitality for future generations.”

This plan took into account the insights from comprehensive studies and stakeholder workshops with the intention of making a difference immediately and planning for long-term objectives. Planners want to emphasize the importance of responsible stewardship of all natural resources and to prioritize community engagement in outdoor recreation development. The goal is to continue to enhance Utahns’ quality of life as more people get outdoors.

For more information on the Utah Outdoor Recreation Strategic Plan and its impact on the state’s future, visit recreation.utah.gov.

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