A national tech education provider is partnering with Utah State University to bring tech training bootcamps to Utah.

Utah State’s Online Director Kevin Shanley said Fullstack Academy of New York State reached out to USU proposing a working agreement that would allow them to reach a specific audience and provide validity to their programs.

“Our role is to coordinate with them on marketing and recruitment,” Stanely explained, “to bring students in and we will be offering continuing education credits for students that complete the programs.”

Shanley said the new program will attract more adult learners that are looking to re-train or change their career path.

“Registrations will start in December and the bootcamps will actually start next spring, like in April or May,” he added. “And the anticipation is that students will be able to do the program part-time while they work and support their families, and once they graduate they should be able to get careers in the tech industry full time.”

Shanley said over 6,400 net new tech-related jobs are expected in Utah and Fullstack claims a very high placement rate.

“They say they place almost 80 percent of the people that complete the program, 80 percent of them get placed in high-paying tech positions in Fortune 500 companies.”

Shanley said the program is all online and costs almost $12,000 which covers everything, including books, tuition and fees.

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