HYRUM-On Saturday September 7, people all over Cache Valley will be participating in the Day of Service, a day to Honor and commemorate the sacrifices made September 11, 2001, to remember the heroes, armed forces, first responders, and countless other who’s acts of service stepped forward to defend our nation’s freedom.
The National Day of Service and Remembrance is when all Americans no matter what age is are invited to join community service projects to honor the lives and service of those we lost on September 11.
The Day of Service is a time to set aside differences, and ideologies to serve with neighbors and strangers alike to build important bridges in your communities.
This year the National Day of Service lands on this Saturday. Sept. 7.
Stephen Reed first counselor in Hyrum West Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said this Day of Service gives everyone a great opportunity to serve their community in different ways.
Reed is one of several LDS stake leaders throughout the valley given the task of forming committees to handle the logistics of the service day.
“We wanted to reach out to other congregations and organizations to join us this year,” he said. “The emphasis was to become an integral partner with the cities, we wanted to include the entire community.”
The committee wanted to have the Day of Service to be community led. They wanted to drive them to JustServe to find just one oof many service opportunities there.
“Other communities listed service opportunities on JustServe.com hoping people can pick a particular place and go serve there,” he said. “It looks like all of the panting projects are full in Hyrum. We still needed 23 more volunteers to help empty sand bags and a few more at the disc golf course.”
The emphasis was for volunteers to become an integral partner with the cities. They wanted to have it be community led and wanted others to drive them to JustServe.com to find one of many opportunities there.
“There are projects perfect for young men and young women,” Reed said. In Hyrum there is a disc golf course they want help with and some sandbags the city would like to empty, and the sand left and the bags stored.”
People should be ready to work and have gloves and tools with them as they show up to the different locations. They have put up posters throughout the valley with where the people can go to serve.,”
“Nibley has some opportunities to visit some of the elderly and another to write Thank You cards to servicemen, firefighters, policemen and others that help the community,” he said. Several communities are looking for help planting trees.”
Wellsville has work in their historic cemetery, spreading bark in the playground near the dam and many more. There are communities and organizations throughout the that could use volunteers on Saturday.
JustServe.com has made it easy to find projects in the Cache Valley area for the National Day of Service.