Booking photos for Craig and Paulette Boersma (Courtesy: Cache County Jail)

LOGAN — A Logan couple charged with neglecting their adopted son years ago while living in Hyde Park has accepted a plea agreement. Craig Robert Boersma and Paulette Boersma agreed to a plea deal that will keep them from serving any jail time as long as they comply with several court orders.

The 42-year-old father and 34-year-old mother participated in a virtual hearing Wednesday morning in 1st District Court. They entered Alford pleas, each admitting to an amended charge of neglecting a child with disabilities, a class A misdemeanor.

The Alford plea means they maintain their innocence and do not confess to the criminal act they are accused of, but admit that the prosecution has sufficient evidence to persuade a judge or jury to find them guilty.

Craig and Paulette Boersma were arrested Sept. 11, 2017, after police claimed they were locking the 7-year-old boy inside a room for days with no bed or carpet, and forcing him to sleep naked and urinate on the floor.

North Park Police officers had received a report from the Division of Child and Family Services that the boy was being withheld meals by the parents and that the child had not appeared to have gained any weight in a year. It was also reported that he was left in the same clothes for a long period of time.

During Wednesday’s hearing, defense attorney Melissa Fulkerson said some of the allegations against her clients were inaccurate. There had also been errors in some of the victim’s medical reports.

Cache County Deputy Attorney Dane Murray said prosecutor’s evidence still showed the child was cared for in an “unreasonable manner.”

As part of the plea agreement, both Craig and Paulette Boersma were placed on 12 months of probation. They were also ordered to each pay a $500 fine and complete a parenting course.

Judge Brian Cannell allowed the plea deal but warned the couple, they could face 364 days in jail if they didn’t follow the court’s sentence. He expressed hope that the family and child would be able to thrive again.

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