Truck fully engulfed in flames after being involved in three vehicle crash at 3100 North Main in North Logan, Thursday Dec. 5, 2019 (Courtesy: Wade Olsen)

NORTH LOGAN — A three vehicle crash partially blocked traffic along US 91 for more than an hour Thursday night. The accident occurred just after 5 p.m. at 3100 North Main west of Green Canyon High School in North Logan.

One of the vehicles involved in the crash, a pickup truck, caught fire as a result of the impact. Flames between 15 and 20-feet high were seen coming from the vehicle.

The first police officers on the scene reported the back of the truck was fully engulfed in flames and the intersection was completely blocked.

North Park Police Interim Chief Ulysses Black said luckily none of the occupants involved had to be hospitalized.

Officers are still investigating the crash and issued citations to the two primary drivers involved. They are still trying to determine what caused the truck to catch on fire.

The third vehicle involved sustained only minor damage from flying debris.

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