A recent study by a European website host and building service indicates that a Computer Engineering degree from Brigham Young University can be a ticket to a fast-growing, in-demand and lucrative career field (Image courtesy of Facebook).
PROVO – If you’re one of those Utahns who tends to scoff at the value of degrees from Brigham Young University, you might want to change your tune – as least as far as Computer Engineering graduates go.
It turns out that salaries for BYU computer engineering students four year after graduation are among the top ten of the highest paid graduates in the United States, according to a nationwide study by the website hosting provider Hostinger.
That research surveyed the median earnings of holders of bachelor’s degrees in Computer Engineering fields of study from top-notch universities throughout the country four years after their graduation.
That study found that computer engineering graduates of the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering at BYU earned an average salary of $127,592 — more than $10,000 a month – four years after graduation.
Those salary figures rank BYU at seventh in the Top Ten List of universities offering computer engineering degrees. The exclusive university — which mostly limits enrollment to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – graduates fewer than 100 computer engineers each year.
Those graduates are quickly snapped up by technology giants like Intel, Hewlett-Packard and NVIDIA to fill senior positions.
“Computer engineering represents a fast-growing field and an in-demand career path,” observes Eivitas Paraščiakas, head of communications at Hostinger.
“Universities that can meet and exceed high graduate salaries are in an increasingly good position to attract the most talented students and the next generation of Silicon Valley trailblazers.”
If nothing else, however, the Hostinger study disproves the old myth that “… nobody really cares where your degree comes from.”
For example, similar computer engineers from Princeton University — the top ranked school in the Hostinger study – are earning an average of more than $227,000 a year.
That figure is almost $60,000 more than graduates earn from any other university and equates to a monthy wage of nearly $19,000.
The average Princeton grad also makes more than $100,000 more than the national average for computer engineers, which is $124,377.
Among Princeton’s alumni is Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and the third richest person in the world.
Rounding out the top five producers of computer engineering graduates is the University of Washington (with average salaries of $168,957) at #2; The University of California at Santa Clara ($159,782) ranked at #3; Duke University at #4 ($137,144); and the University of Virginia ($135,287) at #5.
Joining BYU in the lower half of Hostinger’s top ten list is the University of California (LA) in #6 place (with average salaries of $128,131); San Jose University ($127,047) at #8; the University of California at San Diego at #9 ($122,307); and the California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo ($122,307) at #10.
Paraščiakas points out the average salary drawn from these 10 universities comes in just over $145,000 a year.
“That’s a figure that most graduates would be very glad to achieve,” he adds.
Hostinger is a provider of website building and hosting services based in Kaunas, Lithuania.
For more information about this study and Hostinger services, please go online to https://www.hostinger.com.