LOGAN – The city’s newest mural is a nearly 60-foot wide and 7-foot tall artwork that now adorns the west wall of Somebody’s Attic thrift store in the downtown area.

That mural, created by local artist Liesl Cannon, is a montage of some of Cache Valley’s most recognizable features, including Beaver Mountain, Old Main on the campus of Utah State University, the Wellsville Mountains, downtown Logan, Tony Grove and the Crimson Trail, among others.

Cannon, who won a contest seeking a mural painter jointly sponsored by Somebody’s Attic and Logan City Public Art Program, is a valley resident and a USU alumna. She is best known for her watercolor posters of scenic locations throughout Utah and the influence of her primary work is clearly evident in the newly-created mural.

The mural, she explains, is meant to be enjoyed by people strolling through the alleyway on the west side of the thrift store.

The Cache Valley mural – which was a first for Cannon – is located at 39 West, 100 North in downtown Logan.

Somebody’s Attic is a non-profit thrift store that is located in both downtown Logan and in nearby Smithfield. 

One hundred percent of the stores’ revenues are donated to Citizens Against Physical and Sexual Abuse, the Family Place, the Cache Refugee and Immigrant Connection, the Cache Food Pantry and the Cache County Children’s Justice Center.

The Logan City Public Art Program is a creative vehicle for the community to connect, celebrate and salute the places, people and values that make up Logan’s unique identify.

For more information about the Logan City Public Art Program, please go online to www.bit.ly/lcpublicart

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