State Liquor Store in Logan (Photo: Will Feelright)

LOGAN — The state liquor store in Logan has joined a statewide effort to collect donations for local charities at every state liquor store throughout Utah. The fundraising campaign kicked off Wednesday, Dec. 6.

Department of Alcoholic Beverage Services Director Tiffany Clason explained that employees at each liquor store selected a charity to support. In Logan, the store located at 75 W 600 North selected the William A. Burnard Warming Center.

“The donation drive is a natural extension of the DABS’s service-first mission,” said Clason. “The DABS is proud to do our part by connecting resources to local organizations in the communities where stores are located, throughout Utah. I encourage shoppers to leave a donation and help Utahns in need when stopping by a store.”

The William A. Burnard Warming Center opened Dec. 4, for the local homeless population to stay warm and spend the night. The entrance of the warming center is on the east entrance of St. John’s Episcopal Church located at 85 E. 100 North, Logan.

The center is open seven days a week from 7 p.m. until 8 a.m. with 25 cots, and a maximum capacity is 42 individuals. Last year they gave over 200 people a warm place to stay during the winter.

Clason says that the donation drive extends beyond the holiday season, ending on February 29, 2024. A complete list of stores’ donation drives is available on the DABS website.

“I am grateful to our team at the DABS who jumped at this chance to serve Utahns. Store employees are gathering and delivering the donations, ensuring the items get to the charities intended,” said Clason.

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