LOGAN – Officials of Logan Public Works have scheduled a public meeting on Thursday, Dec. 5 to air information about the First Dam Pipeline, a proposed project that has become increasing controversial.

That gathering set for 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Logan City Hall.

City officials are obviously hoping that the scheduled meeting will defuse local opposition to the project, but that seems unlikely.

As proposed, the pipeline project would include the removal of century old ash trees along Canyon Road.

That plan is opposed by an ad hoc citizens grouping call itself the Canyon Road Coalition. Yard signs have sprung up throughout the city calling for the trees to be saved. The group has also collected nearly 3,500 names on a petition opposing the project.

The city has been working with J-U-B Engineers for three years to plan and develop the project, which calls for a 10-million gallon water tank to be installed near First Dam with a transmission line to the west side of Logan.

Logan officials say that the project is needed to improve citywide water quality and delivery; to meet new state requirements for water system capacity; and to meet current and future drinking water and fire suppression needs.

While the west side of Canyon Road torn up for the installation of the transmission line, city officials plan to install curbs and gutters, plus a sidewalk, park strip and bike path.

The project is scheduled to begin in spring of 2025 and continue until fall of 2026.

The Canyon Road Coalition’s petition counters that the 15 trees slated for removal to make way for those improvements are vital to “ … the character and unique identity of the Island neighborhood.”

They also dispute the city’s hired arborist’s opinion that all but three of the trees are in poor health.

Since being informed of the proposed project in October, the citizen coalition has been calling for a delay in the project’s schedule to allow for reconsideration, more transparency on the part of city planners and additional community input before a final decision is made.

Residents can submit questions prior to the Dec. 5 meeting by E-Mailing them to logantank@jub.com.

In addition to attending the public meeting in person, residents can also watch remotely at http://bit.ly/FirstDamTankMeeting.

The Logan City Hall is located at 290 North, 100 West.

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