LOGAN – At their regular meeting on Aug. 6, members for the Logan Municipal Council reviewed proposed new rates for the Logan City Fire Department’s charges for standby services, fire/rescue services and emergency medical services billing.

During the workshop session, LCFD Chief Nate Thompson explained that the proposed changes to his department’s fee schedule are necessary because his department’s billing rates were last adjusted in December of 2020.

Since that time, significant increases in medical supply and medication costs have occurred. Additionally the department’s emergency medical services units can no longer bill for individual procedures under recent changes to Utah laws that took effect July 1.

Although the LCFD’s billing agency recommends charges of two to four times the department’s actual costs, Thompson said that the proposed fee schedule spits the difference by recommending new fees generally equal to three times the actual costs. That puts the LCFD’s proposed fee schedule about equal to that of fire departments in Ogden and Draper.

Among the fee adjustments proposed by Resolution 24-31 are those for standby services performed by the LCFD, including non-emergency presence at fireworks displays, sporting events and other large public gathering.

The proposed standby fee for one fire engine or ladder apparatus and two firefighters would be $380 per hour, up from current $225 rate.

The proposed standby rate for one brush truck and two firefighters would be $232 per hour, up from the current rate of $225.

The proposed rate for an airport standby, which is typically required whenever a charter flight arrives at or departs the Logan-Cache Airport, would be $285 for two hours, up from the current rate of $250.

Resolution 24-31 also proposes fees for fire extraction functions for the first time, including light extraction (use of hand tools), heavy extraction (use of power tools) and hazardous materials clean-up efforts.

The proposed fees for those services would be $100 per hour for light extraction, $150 per hour for heavy extraction and $50 per hour for hazardous materials clean-up. Those charges are generally billed to insurance companies, Thompson explained.

For emergency medical services, Resolution 24-31 lists nearly 50 rate increases out of the nearly 90 EMS procedures, supplies and medications listed.

Among those rate increases are $324 for continuous positive airway pressure (up from $150); $277 for full spinal immobilization (up from $184); $505 for splinting/traction (up from $88); and $242 for albuterol treatment for an asthma attack (up from $100).

The full proposed LCFD rate schedule can be found under Resolution 24-31 at https://cms9files.revize.com/loganut/departments/admin/council/Res%2024-31%20Fire%20Standby%20Fee%20and%20EMS%20Billing%20Rates%20-%20WORKSHOP.pdf

The members Logan Municipal Council are scheduled to deliberate on the proposed rate changes to the LCFD fee schedule their next meeting on Aug. 20.

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