LOGAN — The League of Women Voters – Cache Valley Chapter is hosting a workshop Tuesday evening, May 28th, at the location that they use for many of their events: the First Presbyterian Church on West Center Street in Logan. 

The workshop is on Political and Civic Engagement.

On KVNU’s For the People program this past week, Kendra Penry from the local chapter told us about it.

“We’re really excited about this workshop and the chance for people to know the ‘how.’ We talk all the time about the fact that we need to be more involved, but the actual concrete steps on how to do that evade many of us.

“Whether it’s because of time or anything else that stands in our way, but we need to be more involved, especially in this day and age, making sure our voice is heard in the things that matter the most to us,” she said.

It will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. and dinner will be provided.

“The primary motivation for this – for anyone that hasn’t been following – recently the Utah Women in Leadership Project got started a few years ago” Penry added, “they’ve been putting out some really great research on the need for more women to feel involved and to be a part of our political and civic arena in whatever way they can be.

“The research is great except that doesn’t necessarily equate to actions. Knowing there’s a problem and then taking action to address it are two very different things.”

The workshop is designed to inform by discussing how and when to join boards, commissions, and other leadership opportunities in the state of Utah as wells as empower participants to get involved by exploring ways to be more confident and assertive in those positions.

The event is free but registration is required through the League of Women Voters website (https://bit.ly/LWVworkshop) but all ages are welcome.

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