LOGAN – In a sure sign of spring, city officials here have announced that green waste collection will resume on Monday, March 17.
Although there will be no formal spring clean from curbside along Logan streets this year, weekly green waste collection will continue during the months of spring, summer and early fall through Friday, Nov. 21.
Logan residents are reminded to have their green waste collection cans out to the curb by 7 a.m. on their regular collection day.
Residents are also reminded not to bag their green waste.
Green waste collection containers are available to Logan residents for $4 per month. Residents wanting to join that service can call 435-716-9755 or go online to www.loganutah.gov.
Residents can also drop off green waste at the Logan Green Waste Facility for $10 per average-size truck or trailer load.
The Logan Green Waste Facility is located at 153 North, 1400 West at the Logan Landfill and Transfer Station.