LOGAN — KVNU and Cache Valley Media Group have again partnered with the Cache Valley Cares for Christmas. 

This year, the program is seeking to help 15 local families. These are families who have been thoughtfully nominated by friends, school principals, neighbors, family members, even co-workers. 

They are families in unique situations with some unique needs, a total of 72 individuals ranging in age from newborn to the elderly. 

You can find out about these families at caresforchristmas.org, like one family with a baby who came premature and has since been at Primary Children’s Hospital, meaning that dad has been traveling back and forth from St. George to Salt Lake, Mom has been spending time in Salt Lake and St. George and the other kids are staying with grandparents in Cache Valley. 

This family could use things like gas cards and food cards. And that’s just a sample of what you’ll find on the website. 

M’lisa Frandsen was a guest last week on KVNU’s For the People program and talked about how long the program has been going.

“This is actually our tenth year, so we have helped over 530 individuals so far in Cache Valley through this program. And it’s been fun, it’s a lot of work, it’s a lot of heartache. That family you were talking about, that baby has been in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for eight months.

“I had (a) baby in the hospital for a month and I had a hard time, I can’t even imagine eight months and trying to juggle everything that they’re trying to juggle,” she explained.

There’s a wide range of needs that local families are experiencing.

“We’ve had several homeless families throughout the year that need blankets, that need warm items. We have a family right now that’s on the verge of losing their home and their car.  And just those things that you would never dream of that you have to worry about, not just as yourself, but then you have kids.

“We also, I believe, have a mom, a single mom with six kids. I think, how can we do that with everything she’s got going on to keep herself going but also all of her family?”

You’re invited to ‘meet’ the families at caresforchristmas.org and see how you can help.

Donations that are dropped off at 810 West 200 North in Logan need to be here by 5 p.m. this Wednesday. 

You can also donate through Venmo: @cares-for-christmas. All financial donations are used to help the families with gift cards for groceries or fuel.

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