CONTRIBUTED CONTENT – Consistent exposure to toxins each day adds up for your child.

Baby and child products always have such colorful and cheerful packaging.

Which is why it’s hard to mentally connect to the fact that many of them are so full of toxins.


  • Flame retardants in pajamas
  • Dioxins and diapers
  • Fluoride in toothpastes
  • Phthalates in plastic toys
  • Artificial dyes in foods made for kids
  • Artificial sweeteners in foods and electrolytes for kids
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate in shampoos and soaps
  • Asbestos in talcum powder
  • Corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, carrageenan, and fluoridated water in baby formula

I could go on, but always read the labels on conventional foods and products. Learn what goes into the toys sold to babies, who put everything in their mouths.

The sooner you introduce an infant or child to non-toxic products and whole foods, the more normal it will seem to them. They won’t notice they’re missing out on anything, especially if they’re not exposed to TV commercials.

Yes, you’ll be that “crunchy” mom, but the upside is you’ll meet the other crunchy moms who have similar values, foods, toys, and products in their home and who will get you.

And yes, people may chastise you. They just haven’t been exposed to the research. After all, it’s not in the interest of the media to share this information when their ad dollars come from these companies.

Consistent exposure to toxins all day every day adds to the body’s burden over time. Free up your child’s body to focus on optimal growth and development instead.

What do you have the time to make instead of buy? How natural does your budget allow you to go? You may have to shift your time and dollars around from one category to another to make it work, but every little bit matters – do the best you can with what you’ve got.

To learn more about our services and to schedule a free consultation, please visit We work with your prescribing physician for optimal results. Do not discontinue medication or hormone replacement therapy without consulting your prescribing physician.

• S P O N S O R E D  C O N T E N T •

About Josh Redd

Josh Redd, MS, DABFM, DAAIM, is a chiropractic physician and author of the Amazon bestselling book “The Truth About Low Thyroid.” Redd owns seven functional medicine clinics in the western U.S. and sees patients from across the country and around the world who are suffering from challenging autoimmune, endocrine and neurological disorders.

He studied immunology, virology and epidemiology at Johns Hopkins where he is a MaPHB candidate. He also teaches thousands of health care practitioners about functional medicine and immunology, thyroid health, neurology, lab testing and more.


RedRiver Health and Wellness Center | Address: 1451 N. 200 E. Suite 250 A, Logan | Telephone: (435) 265-4287 | Website.

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