Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors’ Center

SALT LAKE CITY — Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are forming a second mission in Hawaii. The Hawaii Laie Mission — the faith’s 408th mission worldwide — will open on January 3, 2022. It will include the Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors’ Center, three young single adult stakes near BYU–Hawaii, and two stakes in the Laie area.

According to a press release, the number of missionaries assigned to the Honolulu mission includes those assigned to the visitors’ center and many senior missionaries who serve at the Polynesian Cultural Center and BYU–Hawaii. The new mission will allow those serving at the visitors’ center and in the nearby area to have closer contact with mission leaders.

The First Presidency has called Brother Sidney J. and Sister Stephanie R. Bassett to serve as mission president and companion of the Hawaii Laie Mission. They will also oversee the Laie Hawaii Temple Visitors’ Center.

Those serving in the Honolulu mission were notified of this news on Thursday.

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