LOGAN – With 354 new COVID-19 positive tests reported statewide Monday and nine from the Bear River Health Department, a downward trend in the numbers continues.
Of the positives found in the local district five came from Cache County and four were found in Box Elder County.
To date there have been 2,172 positive tests recorded in the Bear River district with 1,833 in Cache County and 332 in Box Elder County with seven in Rich County.
Also, among the 2,172 total positive cases in the Bear River District, 1,782 are termed recovered.
There are still nine COVID patients from the district who are hospitalized, seven from Cache County and two from Box Elder County.
Among the total of 2,172 positive cases in the district, 80 percent (1,732) of them are in the 18-60 age group.
There have been 314 COVID-19 deaths in Utah which means there has been an increase of three since Sunday.
There have been 41,529 positive tests for the disease in Utah since the start of the pandemic.
Included in the numbers reported Monday 540,182 Utahns have been tested for the disease and the rolling seven-days average for positive tests decreased again to 435 a day. The rolling seven-day average for percent of positive lab tests is 9.8 percent. percent.
Currently 207 Utahns are hospitalized with COVID-19. The total of hospitalizations from the start of the pandemic is 2,450. The total number of cases described as “recovered” has grown to 29,967.
In Idaho there are currently 21,344 confirmed COVID-19 cases.
There have been 197 COVID-19 deaths in Idaho with 47 positive tests in Franklin County with six positives in Bear Lake County and eight in Oneida County.