LOGAN — Search and Rescue teams were called out to help two stranded snowmobilers late Sunday night. The two individuals, both from Florida, became lost while riding east of Hardware Ranch.

Cache County Sheriff’s Lt. Doyle Peck said the snowmobilers were about 8 miles south of Curtis Creek. They reportedly got disoriented and then struggled to build a fire when temperatures began to drop overnight.

One of the snowmobilers was a Type 1 Diabetic and did not have his insulin.

Peck said search and rescue teams were dispatched just before midnight. They located the snowmobilers around 3:30 a.m. Monday morning. Both were in good condition and didn’t require any medical treatment.

Peck said its good a reminder to be prepared and know the area you are going to be in before venturing into the outdoors. “I was in that area last summer, it is really easy to get lost if you don’t know the region,” Peck explained.


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