LOGAN – Over the last four years Utah State University computer scientists have earned funding which has enabled over 70 students to work on more than 30 projects.

They are projects involved in improving the quality of programming education while others encompass cutting edge AI technologies and predicting solar energetic particle events.

To honor these recent accomplishments, while also celebrating the department’s newly renovated offices in the Science Engineering Research building, there will be a grand opening Friday, Jan. 17 from 1-3 p.m. in the first floor Computer Science Student Lounge of the SER Building.

The head of the Computer Science Department, Xiaojun Qi said there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony with Science Dean Michelle Baker at 2:30 p.m. with tours, games, prizes and tacos.

Chi said the aim of the department is to advance the field of computer science while also making it inclusive and accessible for all members of the community.

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