Hannah Cragun the secretary for Cache Suicide Prevention Coalition holds a sticker they will pass out at the free community suicide training event on Thursday Jan 27, 2022,

LOGAN — This coming Thursday, a free community event will be happening at the Cache Events Center at the Cache County Fairgrounds.

It is sponsored by the Cache Suicide Prevention Coalition and the United Way of Cache Valley. Its aim is to continue the discussion on how we talk about suicide, how we think about it, and what everyone can do individually to reduce what is tragically, in Utah, almost every year, a growing problem, especially among young people and even middle-age adults.

On KVNU’s For the People program last week, chair of the coalition, Chelsy Schneringer acknowledged we’ve come a long way as far as addressing the subject.

“We need to keep in mind two different audiences when we talk about suicide prevention messaging. So really first, is that general community audience, who might have misperceptions, stigmas, or just general ignorance about suicide and suicide prevention.  And we have come a long way, but there are very specific ways to talk about suicide specifically,” Schneringer explained.

She said the other audience that they keep in mind when messaging about suicide or talking about it, is those who are at risk of suicide.

“Due to a whole combination of certain life experiences, biological or genetic factors or even environmental risk factors. So really, ultimately our goal is to message…intentionally, to both of these audiences, but particularly we want to keep those at risk safe, and we want to inspire hope, hope-seeking and resilience in the way that we talk about suicide.”

Two events will be held on Thursday, from 12 noon to 1pm for Cache business leaders, educators, counselors, professionals, church leaders, or anybody that has an influence over a group of people.  Free lunch will be provided.

Then from 6pm to 7pm for families and the general public.  Free Crumbl cookies will be provided.

Schneringer said if anyone cannot make it to either event, but would still like to help the coalition at-large, they can contact her or United Way executive director Jimmy Birman.

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