PRESTON — If you have been craving a scone with melted butter or a delicious Navajo Taco, the Community/ Senior Center in Preston will be selling them at the center, this Saturday from 11a.m. to 6p.m. Site manager for the center, Carol Parker told us how often they do this.
“We were trying to do it every six weeks, but then my Mom passed away, so the last one I had to cancel the last minute. So we just went ahead and scheduled this one, and then we will have another one coming up in October, and that will be the last one until winter is over,” she explained.
Parker said donations are greatly needed for the day-to-day operation of the center. Some money is provided by Franklin County and Preston City, also the Southeast Idaho Council of Governments (SEICOG) provides a donation for each participant that meets requirements and sets a limit that they can ask for as a donation from the consumers.
“Between the city, the county and SEICOG, which is the government, then they give us 40 percent of our funding, and we have to come up with 60 percent.”
Donations go to help provide home-delivered meals, food, gas, power bills and also the repairs on the delivery vehicles.
“Usually on Mondays and Wednesdays we have about 160 people that we either deliver to or give food to here. And on Fridays we do about 240”
Parker said due to their non-profit status, donations are tax write-offs for those who give, and the center will gladly provide receipts.
The center is located at 64 W 1st South in Preston and you can reach her at (208)852-2844.