Source: CVDaily Feed
MILLVILLE – Worried residents are expressing concern with the announcement of a new high school. When the family of deceased landowner Oscar Monson sold property to the Cache County School District for a new high school, residents and city officials were shocked at how quickly the school board decided to approve the new facilities.
“From the time we were notified from the school district that we were in consideration for a new high school we only had six days before it became official,” said Mayor Mike Johnson. “It’s pretty overwhelming and the way it was communicated really left a bad taste in the community’s mouth. This is not something a little city like Millville planned for.”
It’s not all bad. Aside from the short notice, Johnson said he remains hopeful that the school can be an asset to the community and is determined to work with the school district the best he can.
The school’s proposed site is located near both residential and agricultural parcels of land which calls for new infrastructure of roads in order to accommodate travel for students. City officials and school district members will work together to design access points from the freeway entering the high school as well as connecting roads throughout the city.
Although the school is not expected to be built until closer to 2015-2016, the presence of change can be felt creeping up on the community. According to the most recent U.S. census, Millville is home to just over 1,800 people. The new high school could potentially bring in well over 1,000 students, dramatically increasing activity in Millville. With overpopulation of students in the valley compensation must be made regardless if that change is favorable or not.
To read this article in its entirety, visit the Hard News Cafe website.